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HTML sitemap - Index page

This website ( hosts more then 200.000 quiz questions. To understand better please visit About page.

Currently, there are 4 groups of pages:

  1. Core pages
    You know: index.php, contact.php, TOS and stuff..
  2. Single question pages
    Those are huge in numbers. More than 200.000
  3. 10 question selection pages
    Those are collections we create
  4. HTML sitemap pages, obivously... but I will ignore them here
    For more info on this subject, please watch :) this video Jade explained all :)
    not listed here

(1) Core pages

(2) Single question pages & (3) 10 question selection pages

2 & 3 together are more then 200.000 pages, so we split those links in 26 files. If you, for whatever reason, want to click on an item below, on sitemap pages instead of presenting an infinite list of links, we assigned one link to one icon, so you can get a better picture of the map.

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