Welcome - Becoming smarter everyday


This website (SMARTICINIG.click) hosts zillion questions, for your entertainment. Please enjoy :)

We will add new features in the future, so if you have any suggestions, please send us an email. You can also post a comment on each question page. If so, please be kind to others.

More boring stories... :)

This website (SMARTICINIG. click) is founded in August of 2022 by an individual from Belgrade, Serbia. You can call me whatever you like: "the owner", "SMARTICINIG dude", "that guy with ugly boring redish website", just please don't use SMARTICINIG CEO it sounds lame... I would like to hide my identity as much as possible, because, dealing with the public stuff is tricky, and things can go south fast... For the same reason I have a comment section with anonymous option, so you can be also anonymous if you wish...

Maybe, or maybe not, you noticed misspellings of the SMARTICINIG brand name :) I made a mistake while registering a domain name, and... Soon, a lot of work it was to change it, so... here we are...

Ideas, the plan...

SMARTICINIG.click is here to provide both fun and information for your entertainment. We host lots of quiz questions (currently, more than 200.000) and they are available for browsing and search. Also, every day we create a brand new collection of 10 questions for you. Currently, they are randomly generated, which is not that much... But, there is idea to use most engaging questions and put them together for more entertainment, engagement and discussion. So, when creating collections we can use engagement metrics to make more probable for a question to appear in the collection. Based on your feedback in the form of views, likes and comments, we will give more value to each question. In the beginning collections will look like they are random, but this will change in the future, hopefully, when more people come and use SMARTICINIG.click, I am not sure how it will play out, at least, I will try. Also, there are lots of possibilities like: 1) to categorise questions 2) to add popular searches 3) to add rewards when people answer the question correctly 4) to add more questions 5) to add new quiz features 6) to create a questionnaire and based on answers to create a personalised collection (this is hard), but we can improve after a feedback from the user. 7) I was thinking also to add daily feeds of various kinds... If not all of the above, at least some, will be implemented in the future.

Also, we look forward to create a community in the future. With the option to create profiles and engage with others who love this type of entertainment. Nobody can predict the future, but this may come sooner then it looks like :) Well, maybe Google, Facebook and Amazon have a decent guess what people will buy next :) other than that, the future is considered to be extremely hard to predict. That's the state of humanity... :) which we will improve, with more fun stuff, why not? :)


Get in Touch

Feel free to send us an email: info [at] SMARTICINIG [dot] click

Tap the button below :)